My strengths and limits

My strengths I would name as: very flexible, resilient. I like to make contact and communicate. I´m diplomatic and responsible. If necessary, I´m fearless (situationally or verbally). I love life, am quite patient, strong and practical.
I speak German, English and Dutch fluently, and some Portuguese.
My travel experience (with and without wheelchair) took place in Sweden, Denmark, France, Spain, Portugal, Baleares, French Guinea, Brazil, Greece, Ireland, Croatia, Great Britain and Egypt.
Many times, I travelled as a backpacker, but also on the bicycle.
Due to my long experience in assisting and nursing people with very different physical limitations I´m expert at pushing a wheelchair, nursing care, transfers, changes of positions, and so on.
With a finely balanced (active) wheelchair I can move a person of up to approximately 100 kg weight, even on uneven ground. For transfers it is necessary that people can stand on their own power for a moment. With a standard wheelchair, my strength is limited to about 80 kg. For transfers of people without the ability to stand, I use technical aids like a slide-board. Whilst travelling, I prefer a baby sling, which proved its effectiveness.
If you can´t stand, a foldable lifter could be the solution (size and weight would mean extra charges on a plane)… I´m happy to support you with choice and application (be aware that it may take weeks or months for health insurance to approve this – if they do).